Dental Clinic For the Whole Family
Family Dentist in Thornton CO
➔ Affordable professional dental services for the entire family
➔ We are a top-rated family dentist based on Google reviews!
➔ We have a well-trained team to cater for your complete dental needs
➔ Your family deserves the best family dental care in the Thornton area
➔ We accept most dental insurances, just give us a call with any questions on your insurance situation
Healthy teeth play an important role in overall good health. Our family dentistry practice offers quality dental care for the entire family. We help to support effective oral health in the following ways.
Preventative Care
Professional dentistry recommends twice-a-year checkups for everyone, from preschoolers to seniors. Visual exams and x-rays allow the dentist to identify new and growing oral issues. These may include cavities, gum disease, or mouth sores that could indicate a medical condition like herpes or cancer. Bone malformations in the jaw and facial structures can often be detected and referred to specialists for further evaluation.
Adolescents whose teeth may require or benefit from orthodontic treatment can be sent to an orthodontist for a more comprehensive analysis and recommendation with a possible treatment plan. Special conditions like being tongue-tied, ankyloglossia, may be addressed while the child is young, before reaching the self-conscious teen years.
A professional cleaning of the teeth, along with recommendations for specific products like flossing tools or mouth rinses, will be provided as well. These and related activities, like measuring gum shrinkage in aging adults, help to ensure each patient receives the treatment that is needed for current and evolving dental issues, to promote long-term dental health.
Quality Treatment
Using state-of-the-art procedures and equipment, the dentist offers the most effective treatment for whatever condition the patient is diagnosed with. Tooth cavities are filled to prevent further decay. Fillings that can be seen from casual observation may be done with a substance that blends in with the other teeth, helping to mask the presence of a filling. Teeth that have decayed past the point of restoration may be extracted or referred to a specialist for a second opinion or surgical extraction. Wisdom teeth will be carefully evaluated to determine the best treatment. Emergency procedures can be handled upon notification by the person, a parent of a child, or a doctor or hospital if warranted.
Each patient’s dental needs will be promptly assessed through effective diagnostics and treated in the most comfortable and proactive manner to preserve the teeth’s integrity, along with overall oral comfort and structure. The appearance and usefulness of your teeth play a direct role in health and well-being, so you don’t want to leave dental care to chance.
Educational Tips and Techniques
In addition to offering routine preventative care and treatment as needed, our dental practice educates patients on their particular dental needs. This includes daily dental hygiene, such as brushing after eating and flossing at least once per day, along with dental rinses the person might need, such as a fluoride rinse or another type to kill germs and strengthen tooth enamel.
Our dental team can demonstrate proper brushing and flossing techniques while explaining their importance, especially to young children. Age-appropriate hygiene skills are described so that each patient knows how to care for their teeth at home. Signs and symptoms of potential problems, such as loose teeth or bleeding gums, will indicate it is time to call the dentist to see whether an exam is needed. Safeguards for sports activities as well as proper mouth gear if needed will be recommended. Patients with unique dental needs, such as those who have been diagnosed with a chronic or serious illness or condition, may require individualized dental care plans that we are happy to provide. Whatever a patient’s dental needs might be, we are here to help, and if necessary, to provide a referral to specialized dental services that may require supplemental attention, such as root canals, bridges, or implants.
Start your child early in a preventative dental care plan and keep up with your adult dental needs. We can help you to keep your teeth healthy and strong as long as possible to ensure a beautiful smile as well as eating and speaking functionality. Contact us for an appointment to learn more about your personalized dental needs or those of your whole family. We look forward to meeting you!